Tuesday, June 7, 2011

"If wishes were crackers, my daughter would be fat"

I wish it was possible to make people care.
     But so far I've found that you can't.

I wish I could make people care that God loves them more than any human is capable of loving a person.
I wish I could make people care that smoking was destroying their body amd inhibiting them from living life to the fullest.
I wish I could make people care that I love them and want our relationship to be the best it can possibly be.
I sometimes wish I could make people care that they're hurting me.
I wish I could make people care that they're making a decision that I don't believe is beneficial to them. Even though it's not really my place to judge which decisions are worthwhile and which are not.
I wish I could make people care that the food they're putting in their bodies will turn them into a chubby old fool prone to heart attacks, diabetes, and hair loss...
     ...I get kinda preachy about health-related stuff. Don't blame me if you're immobilized or if you live until
     you're 55.
     Just saying.
I wish I could make people care that wearing a tight-fitting shirt that clings to every roll in your belly is not a look that works.

Wishes aren't crackers.
Disappointing as it may be, you can't make a person care about something if they don't want to. You cannot make me care about the germs on the floor. If I drop my froot loop on the floor and I want to eat it, I'm going to eat it no matter what you say. You can't make me care about Brittany Spears' personal life regardless of how important it is to you.

All joking aside, this is a lesson I'm still in the process of learning. Credit to Brian Weyer for providing most of this insight.


  1. You totally stole that thing about crackers and the daughter being fat from spiderman didn't you? I'm pretty sure I heard that creepy Ukranian landlord say that to Peter. Or maybe not....

    In other news, I think this is a great post. I've been realizing my whole life just how much some people don't care. Like Brandon. I care about a lot of stuff and he cares about like....nothing. So it's really hard for us to understand each other because I can't make him care and he can't make me not care.

  2. Actually, I did plagiarize a bit, but I changed it. I think he says "If promises were crackers..etc" but yes, you caught me. Ssshhh...
