Thursday, August 11, 2011

Thanks be to you all

Well here I am. A bored and tired full-time employee drifting to for lack of a better thing to do. The phones have been answered, the customers helped, the deposits deposited.
I think I end up here so often because I feel like I have so much to say, but instead, when I get here, I'm immediately distracted by reading my friends' posts. They're so interesting! I love mulling them over, responding, arguing, and agreeing, and when I'm done, I realize once again that I have nothing really to say haha. I'm slightly intimidated by the magnitute and thoughtfulness of most of these posts, and I spend my limited amount of intellect just absorbing them. Kudos, fellow bloggers, kudos.

But good grief, I just don't have the time anymore to think! My schedule is as predictable as the rising and setting of the sun. Wake up, go to work, come home, eat, photo stuff, sleep....rinse and repeat. I had planned on arriving somewhere more thoughtful at the end of this post, but not right now. I'll save it for later, and mark my words, something is coming. Something earth-shaking!
Moral of THIS story, I do quite enjoy my friends' blogs, so keep 'em coming!

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