Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Keep it simple

Hi, I'm Amanda.

I like almost everything. I like people, problems, challenges, honesty, pooping, school, conversation, sleep, food, work, water, dogs, peanut butter, cheese, smells, rain, mud, hair, beards, football, walking, moving, music, dancing, travel, photographs, inspiration, motivation, and unexpected love.

I don't like over-easy eggs. I don't like complaining or whining, I don't like selfishness, manipulation, drama, fake appearances, ungratefulness, pessimists, pimples, or wet socks.

That's all.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Attention please!

Hey bloggers and bloggees, I started a new My-life-when-I'm-in-Australia blog. If you so please, revert to that one for a while, as I'm sure I won't have time to post in both.


Thanks and cheerio America!


Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Hey, I'm easy to please!

Here's something I like about myself.

I'm easily amused. I'm easily satisfied (this could be a problem but I'm not going to deal with it in depth right now). Also, a smile can easily be put on my face.

I notice this a lot when I'm at work. No matter how far I am in the pits of despair when I get to work in the morning, I always end up leaving with a smile on my face. It can't possibly be the job, it's not like I get deep satisfaction out of putting people's money in their bank accounts.

So while I was chewing this over this morning, I realized that whenever a customer comes in and says, "How are you today?", I always answer with a response that's at least as optimistic as "good", if not "great" or "fabulous". And I never feel like I'm putting on a front or feel pained to have to say such a blasphemous lie, because I'm not lying.

BECAUSE....It's impossible for me to not be having a great day when even one single person takes the effort and care to ask me how I'm doing today.

Oh, the simple joys in life :)

Mandie Pies

Monday, January 16, 2012

Home Alone

Reasons having the house to yourself is awesome:

- No one grinds coffee or runs the jackhammer at 5 o'clock in the morning

- Clothing is optional

- The dog and cat are great listeners and never tell you how large your butt looks today

- I don't feel guilty for making a mess and proceed to leave a trail of garbage behind me wherever I go

- I don't have to pick up after anyone else

- I can play music as loud as I want

- I can sing as loud as I want

- Don't have to fight for the laptop!

- Can watch awful, juvenile high school television shows and ridiculously sappy chick flicks and no one can judge me!

- I often allow the cat and dog to sleep in my bed with me

- When I'm not in my bed, I'm sleeping wherever the heck I want. And whenever I want.

- Can have friends over! (Don't worry mom and dad, G-rated slumber parties only)

- Can leave my laundry in the machine for days at a time and no one throws it on the floor!

Reasons having the house to yourself sucks:

- No one makes you breakfast. It's hard to cook when you wake up and all you can think about is putting one foot in front of the other.

- No one to talk to. The dog's a great listener but doesn't really give any feedback.

- I don't feel guilty for making a mess so I make a mess....

- No one to catch a ride to work with

- I have to do the chores by myself...

- No one cleans up after me

- Mom's not around to baby me when I have a tummyache

- The dog chews everything to pieces if I ignore her for a second

- Sometimes the heat doesn't work and I haven't the slightest notion how to fix it.

- No one to make sure I get home safe!

- I miss my family...