Monday, January 16, 2012

Home Alone

Reasons having the house to yourself is awesome:

- No one grinds coffee or runs the jackhammer at 5 o'clock in the morning

- Clothing is optional

- The dog and cat are great listeners and never tell you how large your butt looks today

- I don't feel guilty for making a mess and proceed to leave a trail of garbage behind me wherever I go

- I don't have to pick up after anyone else

- I can play music as loud as I want

- I can sing as loud as I want

- Don't have to fight for the laptop!

- Can watch awful, juvenile high school television shows and ridiculously sappy chick flicks and no one can judge me!

- I often allow the cat and dog to sleep in my bed with me

- When I'm not in my bed, I'm sleeping wherever the heck I want. And whenever I want.

- Can have friends over! (Don't worry mom and dad, G-rated slumber parties only)

- Can leave my laundry in the machine for days at a time and no one throws it on the floor!

Reasons having the house to yourself sucks:

- No one makes you breakfast. It's hard to cook when you wake up and all you can think about is putting one foot in front of the other.

- No one to talk to. The dog's a great listener but doesn't really give any feedback.

- I don't feel guilty for making a mess so I make a mess....

- No one to catch a ride to work with

- I have to do the chores by myself...

- No one cleans up after me

- Mom's not around to baby me when I have a tummyache

- The dog chews everything to pieces if I ignore her for a second

- Sometimes the heat doesn't work and I haven't the slightest notion how to fix it.

- No one to make sure I get home safe!

- I miss my family...

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