Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Hey, I'm easy to please!

Here's something I like about myself.

I'm easily amused. I'm easily satisfied (this could be a problem but I'm not going to deal with it in depth right now). Also, a smile can easily be put on my face.

I notice this a lot when I'm at work. No matter how far I am in the pits of despair when I get to work in the morning, I always end up leaving with a smile on my face. It can't possibly be the job, it's not like I get deep satisfaction out of putting people's money in their bank accounts.

So while I was chewing this over this morning, I realized that whenever a customer comes in and says, "How are you today?", I always answer with a response that's at least as optimistic as "good", if not "great" or "fabulous". And I never feel like I'm putting on a front or feel pained to have to say such a blasphemous lie, because I'm not lying.

BECAUSE....It's impossible for me to not be having a great day when even one single person takes the effort and care to ask me how I'm doing today.

Oh, the simple joys in life :)

Mandie Pies

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