Friday, March 18, 2011

When life gives you spare time...

Spring break. I'll be starting off my break by flying to Florida, where I will lounge on the beach for a couple days, until I have a nice tan. Then I'll road trip to Nashville and kick it with the stars for a few more days. Finally, I'll take a scenic drive home with my new-found music-making boyfriend where we'll horseback ride in this beautiful Minnesota weather and then sleep for 2 days straight.

Yeah or I'll just go home because I'm poor as dirt, while I sit on my couch and watch movies all day.
Meh. I'm not complaining, just daydreaming. I enjoy being home.

I discovered that underneath my rough exterior, I really don't like blood and gore. In the right context it's tolerable, but otherwise it makes me scream and cry like a little girl. I watched the movie 127 Hours and the little girl part of me appeared out of nowhere. Just a warning if you're thinking about watching it. Come prepared with a blanket, cuddle buddy, or some other good excuse to leave when the moment calls for it.

So after making this discovery, I also discovered that my Religion & Rhetoric professor apparently doesn't have the same distaste of blood and guts as I do. In fact it seems to me like he quite enjoys it because he assigned Saving Private Ryan and The Passion as my movie watching homework for spring break. Thanks Prof. You're the best.

I'm currently watching the Passion while using my computer screen as a sight for traumatized eyes.

Yet once again I'm reminded of what Christ took for us, and it's a vivid reminder. One of those uncomfortable thoughts that we put away and take for granted but...the part we (or I) often forget is just how great a sacrifice it was. It was huge. I'm only watching 15 percent of the movie and I can still see that.

There's also a scene in the movie where Jesus is writing something in the sand. When I was really little, that story in the Bible always used to fascinate me. I always wanted to know what He was writing and why at that moment. Maybe it was nothing, but Jesus had some pretty important things to deal with at the moment, yet he chose to take a moment to write something down. So here we go, it's gonna start driving me crazy again.


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