Thursday, March 31, 2011


That's right, an effort to do the impossible. While those who know me best realize that this is something I say a lot without really following through, this time it's the shizzle. Meaning for real. "And why would things be different this time, Amanda?" you might ask.
Because I'm blogging about it, that's why! I've never tried blogging before!

Here are the rules.
1. I basically get to make up the rules as I go. Coldstone is and always will be an exception to the rule.
2. No desserts
3. No white bread or pasta
4. Fruit sugars, dressings and sauces, and honey are the only acceptable sugars

So this plan was actually implemented quite a while ago, and currently I'm on Day 10. I'm not going to give an update every single day because frankly, no one cares that much and I don't have time.

Finally, this isn't a weight loss plan, or anything really health-related (although the health benefits are a plus). This, my friends, is simply a battle of wills. I've always wanted to go an entire month, so much so that I put it on my bucket list. What better time to start working on your bucket list than right now?

Be encouraging.


  1. 1) I have faith.
    2) The first week, in all honesty, is the hardest. After you become used to saying no, it's easy peasy! I honestly never eat sugar anymore. In fact, if I do it makes me REALLY sick. So I mean, after this you may never be a sugar-head again :)

  2. well thanks you :)
    and yeah, it does get easier, but NEVER watch charlie and the chocolate factory when undergoing this sugar purification. holy moses. also it stinks when you're in a bad mood...chocolate usually helps. but I'm a third of the way there!
