Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Written Version

Some stories are lived, some stories are written, some stories are read, and some stories are seen. This is a synopsis of a year-long story about a girl who went back to college for her sophomore year...the written version.
My original purpose in compiling this was to give a visual aid to the places and people that had the most impact on me this last year, but I think this blog is just as much a benefit to me as it is to anyone else. I miss all this and it's great to relive so many of these memories.
So enjoy!

Old friends and Gorecki (dining center) booths. Why does everyone love the booths so much! They're constricting, and difficult to get out of. This year I learned to like....tolerate  them because it's what all the kids are doing these days. Booths, beets, battlestar galactica.
But anywho...this is Katie. Katie Renier. She likes to smile, and in doing so, she inadvertently makes me smile! Often. She didn't want this picture taken. O.o

These are the high tables. And this is Dan, of course. First of all, he chose his eating spot well. It's so much less constricting and it's a better vantage point. Secondly, having a really old friend in school with me this semester was super nice. Don't tell him, but I brag about him to all my other friends. I say he's super cool and he's a micro-prodigy, which he is.

Let's see....

Ahh...a view that has become oh so familiar. Speaking of vantage points, there's no better place to get some quality creeping done than in the library, especially from behind the front desk. Mmhhmm...
Also, fun chairs to spin in.

My favorite sight every day. Granted, she might have been a little off guard at the time of this picture, and she might be opposed to it being on the internet, but two years of rooming with this girl helped shape the best two years of my life. I hope that comment makes up for this post.

Where to begin?
<---This is Brian. He likes computers, cameras, Ross Hodapp, and not smiling in pictures. He used to be a skater boi way back in the day, but...old habits die hard. You can often find him with a sundrop (or beer) in his hand, in his car, or on an adventure.

^ This is Ross. One of the few humans I know who's fluent in both English and Lolcat. If you
don't know what Lolcat is, do as Ross would do and Google it. He likes computers too,
and really loud music...and kittehs. Beware entering his room without
warning because he feels most comfortable in his natural state - boxers.

And this is where they live! Vincent 80...some crazy funny stuff happens here. Very few kitchen appliances, but the futon is pretty comfortable. I feel like half of my time was spent here and out of habit I may walk through the front door next year and happen upon some unsuspecting strangers.

"God gave us music so that we might pray without words"

I can't even begin to count how many hours were spent in front of the piano...hours of simply releasing emotions onto a willing (not to mention inanimate) object and making music out of it. God gave me the gift of music because he knew I needed therapy.
I also thought it was fitting how the practice rooms resembled white padded cells.
This happens to be my favorite piano. It's a Yamaha :)

The infamous Quadrangle. The deathly stairs. Two times a day, every single day of the week. This isn't the end of it, Quad....I'll be back next year and you won't beat me so easily next time.

And I think I'm gonna end on a good-looking note. At such a small school, you start seeing the same faces every day and you get used to seeing those faces. You might not even know the person behind the face, but when school ends and you no longer see those faces, you miss those people. In a strange, creepy way.
And then there are faces that belong to people you do  know and that you see so often you begin to take them for granted. This is Katie, and like many of my good friends at school and everywhere else, I can't get enough of seeing her face. It's times like now when I know I won't see it for a long time, that I begin to realize how much that person means to me.
       I miss all my faces!

That's all for now. All this blogging is exhausting, and the fact that I'm putting this much effort into something that one, maybe two people will read, just crossed my mind.
On that note...


1 comment:

  1. I think I owe you a few comments. All I want to say is I'd take stairs everyday, two times, over waking up at 7:00 in the morning three times a week and walking to class for a school year in winter weather, because Minnesota broke it's season clock, and arriving frozen and tired. Those combinations are the worst for trying to learn anything, let alone a foreign language. Yeah, I'd take the stairs.
