Thursday, July 7, 2011

Life lessons from God and Bob Marley.

Well! It's been a while since my last post, meaning I obviously haven't had anything important on my mind.


Yesterday, my friend Rachel sent me a text saying - "Peace I leave with you; My peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid". Words of Jesus himself, in case you were wondering.

Apparently I'm somewhat of a worrywart. I might have had to have my friend point it out to me before I realized it, but now that it's brought to my attention, I know she's right. Frankly, I blame my parents. In an attempt to keep us from doing stupid things my brothers and I often heard things like, "don't look at the sun, you'll go blind!" Which, coincidentally, also happens when you sit to close to the TV or read in a dimly lit room. "Don't eat too much of the same food, you'll become allergic to it!" or "don't eat too much sugar, you'll become a diabetic!". My personal favorite, "don't swallow toothpaste, it will give you cancer".
At least I know they care.

Regardless of whose fault it is...

No one should live life blindly ignorant to the consequences of their actions, but I don't think that's my problem. I do think about things a little too much at times, and while thinking is harmless, I create too many hypothetical situations in my head and then proceed to worry about them. I worry that I'll end up married to someone to doesn't contribute anything to the relationship; I worry that no matter how much of a good mother I try to be, I'll raise a child who walks out on me, ends up in jail, or just turns out to be a jerk. I worry that I'm too trusting and would be blind to anyone using me for their own personal benefit. I worried that I wouldn't be making enough money this summer to cover any of my expenses. I worry about accidentally hurting someone or making a mess out of a situation. You get the point, the list goes on.

Rachel was right, God doesn't intend for us to worry about everything, specifically the things that are out of our control. It's all over Scripture...apparently people have had worrying problems since the beginning of time. 1 Peter 5:6-7 "...casting all your care upon him, for he careth for you". Psalm 55:22 "Cast thy burden upon the Lord and he shall sustain thee". Proverbs 12:25 "Anxiety in the heart of a man causes depression, but a good word makes it glad". Last one, Phillipians 4:6 "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God". Worrying causes us stress, but God wants to take that stress away from us. He even offered a trade: He gives us his peace, we give him our stress.


God doesn't need us worrying or breathing down his back to get the job done. So let things go, and let Him do what he does best. Don't worry, be happy!

- Mandy-Pies


  1. Fear no more worry, I am in a more superior realm (state) for the rest of the summer, thus why I was not at TCGF Sunday.

    In other news. I like this post very much, but I'm not sure what Bob Marly has to do with it, unless the fact he isn't worrying about anything anymore means something. Either-way, if we are always stressing how can we do the things of God and for Him? But you already answered that.

  2. Bob Marley - Don't Worry, Be Happy. Classic song, Mr. Bender!

  3. hmm, deja vu...
    Although my acceptance of God's omnipotence in the aforementioned scenario is normally less than impeccable, ha.
