Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Don't forfeit your chance of finishing strong for a little company.

Ok so...this isn't really original, but it's genius.

Life is an adventure, a race, full of passion and excitement and the only way to really live it is to be running, side by side with God.

Sometimes during that race we tire of running and we give up momentarily; other times we run in the wrong direction and God has to remind us where it was we were going. Once in a while we run into someone who seems to be running in the same direction as us and we invite them to join, but before long we realize that that person is not running at our speed or in the same direction, and it throws us off our path with God.

But we need only to keep in stride with God and hope that someday we will meet a person who is running for the same reasons we are, at the same pace, and in the same direction.

That's when you'll know.


  1. Totally random...but I like your new backround muuuuuch better :) It suits you.
